Sorority Formal Playlist

This is a sequel to the infamous Bat Mitzvah playlist post.

Basically I am playing a sorority formal this weekend and asked for a list of must plays. The tracks which were surprising, or which I didn't know follow. I've provided a zip file to download all of these (mostly terrible) tracks at once.

This is kind of acceptable because there is a dance which goes along with this one.

This is wack that they want to hear this a little bit

I'm a little surprised this apparent college anthem didn't make it on either rolling papers (wiz) or doggumentary (snoop). I guess maybe it's because it's a little too similar to Camron's "Hey Ma." Best believe those two are getting ran back to back this weekend.

This is a little cool I guess with the Japan thing and all. Still feels like a little too familiar of a concept on a little too familiar of a song.

and finally!

This one I'm not a fan of. Yes. I said it. I think it's wack. I think it's just what happens when someone who doesn't have any kind of musical training goes into ableton with a few hits and starts dragging and dropping. This tastes like droppings. It's not good. I'm sorry I posted it. It's wack that he has a huge bar on his video advertising his dj skills (which we have no evidence of). It's wack that he doesn't give white panda props (I don't care who came first respect where respect is due).

That's all I have.

Here's a mediafire link to a zip file with all these "jams"


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